Some commands have extra permissions. Please be sure to check out the permissions page for more details about them.
Obtaining Blocks
/ps get [block]
Permission: protectionstones.get
Get a protection stone. Can be charged with currency set in the config (requires Vault)
/ps give [block] [player] [amount (optional)]
Permission: protectionstones.give
Give a protection stone to another player as admin (free). Use this command in kit plugins to distribute protection blocks.
Player Utilities
/ps home [name/id (optional)]
Permission: protectionstones.home
Teleports you to one of your owned protected regions.
/ps tp [id/player] [num (optional)]
Teleports you to a region, or one of a given player's regions.
/ps toggle|on|off
Permission: protectionstones.toggle
Turn on or off placement of protection stones blocks for yourself.
Getting Information
/ps info members|owners|flags
Permission: and
Use this command inside a ps region to see more information about it.
/ps view
Permission: protectionstones.view and protectionstones.view.others
View the region's boundaries with particles.
/ps list [playername (optional)]
Permission: protectionstones.list and protectionstones.list.others
List the regions you or another player owns.
/ps count [playername (optional)]
Permission: protectionstones.count and protectionstones.count.others
Count the number you or another player owns.
Managing Your Region
/ps add|remove [playername]
Use this command to add or remove a member of your protected region. Add -a (
/ps add -a [name]
to add to all regions you own.
/ps addowner|removeowner [playername]
Use this command to add or remove an owner of your protected region.
/ps flag [flag] [value|null|default]
Allows players to set their region flags. Use just
/ps flag
to use the GUI menu.
/ps name [name|none]
Set a name on your region to help identify it easily.
/ps sethome
Permission: protectionstones.sethome
Set the home location of an owned region.
/ps merge
Permission: protectionstones.merge
Merge the region you are in into a neighbouring region.
/ps unclaim [id (optional)]
Permission: protectionstones.unclaim and protectionstones.unclaim.remote
Use this command to pickup a placed protection stone and remove the region.
/ps hide
Permission: protectionstones.hide
Use this command to hide your protectionstones block.
/ps unhide
Permission: protectionstones.unhide
Use this command to unhide your protectionstones block.
/ps rent [lease|rent|stopleasing|stoprenting]
Allows players to lease out their own regions, and rent other regions.
/ps tax
Allows players to pay and manage tax payments.
/ps buy
Permission: protectionstones.buysell
Buy the region you are currently in.
/ps sell [price|stop]
Permission: protectionstones.buysell
Sell the region you are currently in.
Other Commands
/ps setparent [region|none]
Permission: protectionstones.setparent
Set the region you are in to inherit properties from another region you own, see:
/ps priority [number|null]
Permission: protectionstones.priority
Use this command to set your region's WorldGuard priority.
/ps region [list|remove|disown] [player]
Permission: protectionstones.region
This is an administrative command, not recommended to be given to players. Use this command to find information or edit other players' (or your own) protected regions.
Admin Commands
All of the following commands require the protectionstones.admin permission.
/ps reload
Reload the plugin with settings from the config.
/ps admin help
Shows the help menu.
/ps admin version
Shows the version number of the plugin.
/ps admin debug
Toggles debug mode in the plugin, more messages will be printed to the server console.
/ps admin hide|unhide
Hide or unhide all of the protection stone blocks in the world you are in.
/ps admin cleanup remove [-t typealias (optional)] [days] [world (console)]
Removes regions where all of the owners have not joined within the past # of [days]. It is configurable in config.toml to prevent deleting the region if the members have been active.
/ps admin cleanup preview [-t typealias (optional)] [days] [world (console)]
Preview which regions would be deleted if the remove command was run. Dumps the region list to a file.
/ps admin flag [world] [flag] [value|null|default]
Set a flag for all protection stone regions in a world.
/ps admin lastlogon [player]
Get the last time a player logged on.
/ps admin lastlogons
List all of the last logons of each player.
/ps admin stats [player (optional)]
Show some plugin statistics.
/ps admin recreate
Recreate all PS regions using radius set in config.
/ps admin settaxautopayers
Add a tax autopayer for every region on the server that does not have one.
/ps admin forcemerge [world]
Merge overlapping PS regions together if they have the same owners, members and flags.
/ps admin changeblock [world] [fromblockalias] [toblockalias]
Change all of the PS blocks of a block type to a different block. Both blocks must be configured in config.
/ps admin changeregiontype [world] [fromblocktype] [toblocktype]
Change the internal type of all PS regions of a certain type. Useful for error correction.
/ps admin fixregions
Use this command to correct errors for all of the PS regions in a world. Useful if you have issues with the plugin.
Last updated
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