Listed below are the default configuration files, with comments.
Default Configuration (config.toml)
# Please do not change the config version unless you know what you are doing!
config_version = 16
uuidupdated = true
region_negative_min_max_updated = true
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Protection Stones Config
# Block configs have been moved to the blocks folder.
# To make new blocks, copy the default "block1.toml" and make another file (ex. "block2.toml")
# Does your config look messy? It's probably because of gradual config updates. Consider using the default configs.
# If you need the default configs again, you can get it from here:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cooldown between placing protection blocks (in seconds). -1 to disable.
placing_cooldown = -1
# Set to true to not block server startup for loading the UUID cache.
# /ps add and /ps remove will not work for offline players until the cache is finished loading.
async_load_uuid_cache = false
# Whether or not to allow regions to have identical names (from /ps name).
# If this is set to true, players will have to use numbers after the name if they encounter duplicates.
allow_duplicate_region_names = false
# Time in seconds between /ps view attempts.
# Can prevent lag from spamming the command.
ps_view_cooldown = 3
# Base command for protection stones (change if conflicting with other commands)
base_command = "ps"
# Aliases for the command
aliases = [
# Whether or not to drop items on the ground if the inventory is full (ex. during /ps unclaim)
# If set to false, the event will be prevented from happening, and say that inventory is full
drop_item_when_inventory_full = true
# Whether or not regions placed have to be either next to or overlapping existing regions the player already owns.
# This can make the world cleaner and have less scattered regions.
# Set the number of regions of non-adjacent regions with the permission protectionstones.adjacent.x (default is 1, -1 to bypass)
# Also can bypass with protectionstones.admin
regions_must_be_adjacent = false
# Whether or not to give players the option to merge new regions with ones they already own (overlapping)
# to create a new large region. Can merge any regions with protectionstones.admin
# Requires the permission protectionstones.merge to use (with /ps merge)
# NOTE: Due to the limitations of WorldGuard, merged regions will ignore y_radius and go from bedrock to sky
# since polygon regions can only be 2D, not 3D
allow_merging_regions = true
# Whether or not to allow merged regions to have holes in them (merging a bunch of regions in a circle with the inside not protected).
# This is only checked during the merge process, it will not unmerge regions with holes already.
allow_merging_holes = true
# Whether when players join, by default they have protection block placement toggled off (equivalent to running /ps toggle)
default_protection_block_placement_off = false
# If you do not have LuckPerms, ProtectionStones is unable to determine the limits of offline players (since it depends
# on permissions), and so it requires players to be online. Set this to true if your server does not need limits (and so
# the check is unnecessary).
allow_addowner_for_offline_players_without_lp = false
# Whether or not members of a region can /ps home to the region.
allow_home_teleport_for_members = true
# Whether /ps admin cleanup remove should delete regions that have members, but don't have owners (after inactive
# owners are removed).
# Regions that have no owners or members will be deleted regardless.
cleanup_delete_regions_with_members_but_no_owners = true
# Set limits on the price for renting. Set to -1.0 to disable.
max_rent_price = -1.0
min_rent_price = 1.0
# Set limits on the period between rent payments, in seconds (86400 seconds = 1 day). Set to -1 to disable.
max_rent_period = -1
min_rent_period = 1
# Set taxes on regions.
# Taxes are configured in each individual block config.
# Whether or not to enable the tax command.
# If you already have regions, you may want to set each one to have an autopayer (player that automatically pays taxes).
# This can be done with /ps admin settaxautopayers, which updates every region on the server with an autopayer from their owners list.
tax_enabled = false
# Notify players of outstanding tax payments for the regions they own.
tax_message_on_join = true
Default Block Configuration (block1.toml)
# Define your protection block below
# Use block type from here:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If you want to use player heads, you can use "PLAYER_HEAD:player_name" (ex. "PLAYER_HEAD:Notch")
# To use custom player heads, you need the base64 value of the head. On, you will find this value in the Other section under "Value:".
# To use UUIDs for player heads, go to and copy the value from the "value" field not including quotes.
# When you have the value, you can set the type to "PLAYER_HEAD:value"
type = "EMERALD_ORE"
# Another way to refer to the protection stone
# Can be used for /ps give and /ps get
# Must be one word (no spaces)
alias = "64"
# Description of the protection block type
# Shows up in /ps get menu
description = "64 block radius protection zone."
# Whether or not to restrict obtaining of the protection stone to only /ps get and /ps give and custom crafting recipes.
# Other ways to obtain this block (ex. mining) will not work as a protection stone.
# Useful to allow the protection block to only be obtained from a shop or command.
# Set to "false" if you want to allow players to obtain a protection stone naturally
restrict_obtaining = true
# Enable or disable the use of this protection stone in specific worlds
# "blacklist" mode prevents this protect block from being used in the worlds in "worlds"
# "whitelist" mode allows this protect block to only be used in the worlds in "worlds"
# Can be overriden with protectionstones.admin permission (including OP)!
world_list_type = "blacklist"
worlds = [
# Whether or not to actually restrict the protection stone from being placed when the world is restricted (in blacklist/whitelist)
# The block will place normally, without PS behaviour.
prevent_block_place_in_restricted_world = true
# Whether or not to allow the block to be placed in the wild.
# If set to false, the protection block can only be placed in existing regions.
allow_placing_in_wild = true
# Whether or not to allow the block to bypass the WorldGuard passthrough flag.
# This allows the protection block to be placed even if WorldGuard prevents block placing in the wild.
placing_bypasses_wg_passthrough = true
# Minimum distance between claims (that aren't owned by the same owner), measured from the protection block to the edge of another region
# You will probably have to change this between blocks, since the region sizes will be different
# Set to -1 for no minimum, but will still check for overlapping regions
distance_between_claims = -1
# Protection radius of block (radius of 64 -> 129 x 129 region)
# Set y_radius to -1 if you want it to protect for all y levels.
# y_radius must be -1 if you are allowing the region to be merged ("allow_merging" option)
x_radius = 64
y_radius = -1
z_radius = 64
# Enables "chunk snapping mode", where the region boundaries will be determined by the chunk the block is in, and the
# chunk_radius (how many chunks away from the center chunk).
# Allows players to not have to worry about the exact placement of their block, and removes the issue of messy overlapping
# regions (as they all conform to chunk boundaries).
# Set to -1 to disable, and any number larger than or equal to 1 to enable.
# Note: If enabled, x_radius and z_radius will be ignored!
chunk_radius = -1
# How many blocks to offset the default location of /ps home from the protection block
home_x_offset = 0.0
home_y_offset = 1.0
home_z_offset = 0.0
# Specify the default flags to be set when a new protected region is created.
# Can use -g [group] before the flag to set group flags (ex. -g members pvp deny).
# Can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders in string flags (ex. greeting, farewell).
flags = [
"pvp deny",
"tnt deny",
"greeting &lEntering &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"farewell &lLeaving &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"greeting-action &lEntering &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"farewell-action &lLeaving &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"creeper-explosion deny",
"wither-damage deny",
"ghast-fireball deny",
# List all the flags that can be set by region owners.
# If you want to whitelist the groups that can be set as well, use -g (ex. "-g all,members pvp" restricts it to no group flag, and members group)
# "-g all pvp" - Prevents players setting the group to nonmembers, and being invulnerable to attacks.
allowed_flags = [
"-g all pvp",
# Which flags to hide from /ps info
hidden_flags_from_info = [
# Default priority type for this block type protection stone
priority = 0
# Whether or not to allow creation of regions that overlap other regions you don't own
# This is dangerous, so think about this carefully if you set it to true.
allow_overlap_unowned_regions = false
# Whether or not to allow players to create other regions that overlap this region.
# "owner" - only allow owners to overlap this (default)
# "member" - allow members and owners to overlap this region type. (useful for city plots)
# "all" - allow all players to overlap this region type.
# "none" - no players, not even the owners of the region can overlap it
# allow_overlap_unowned_regions does not need to be true for this to work.
allow_other_regions_to_overlap = "owner"
# Whether or not to allow this regions created with this block to merge with other regions
# allow_merging_regions must be set to true in config.toml
allow_merging = true
# Allowed types of regions to merge into (referred to by alias)
# Be sure to add the alias of this current region type to allow merging with it ex. ["64"]
# Add "all" if you want to allow this region to merge into any region
allowed_merging_into_types = [
# Name given to protection block when obtained with /ps give or /ps get
# Also affects custom crafted items (see custom_recipe)
# Leave as '' for no name
display_name = "&a&m<---&r&b 64 Radius Protection Block &r&a&m--->"
# Lore given to protection block when obtained with /ps give or /ps get
# Also affects custom crafted items (see custom_recipe)
# Leave as [] for no lore
lore = [
"&6(⌐■_■)ノ♪ Nobody's going to touch my stuff!",
# Whether the item should have an "glow/enchant" effect look when in a player's inventory.
enchanted_effect = false
# Add price when using /ps get
# Must have compatible economy plugin (requires Vault, ie. Essentials)
# Must be a decimal (ex. not 10, but 10.0)
price = 0.0
# Whether or not to allow crafting this item using a custom recipe
# Useful to allow crafting the item when restrict_obtaining is set to true
allow_craft_with_custom_recipe = false
# Specify the custom crafting recipe below
# You must fill the item spots with names from here:
# You can also use other protection stone items as ingredients in the recipe, in the format PROTECTION_STONES:alias
# Make sure that you set allow_use_in_crafting for that block to true, or else you can't use it in crafting
# If you want air, you can just leave the spot as ""
custom_recipe = [
["", "STONE", ""],
["", "STONE", ""]
# Amount of the protection item to give when crafted
recipe_amount = 1
# The custom model data of the block item, useful for resource packs. Set to -1 to disable.
custom_model_data = -1
# Taxes must be enabled in config.toml first (tax_enabled)
# The amount to tax the region per tax cycle.
# Must be a decimal (ex. not 10, but 10.0)
tax_amount = 0.0
# The amount of seconds between tax cycles. Set to -1 to disable taxes.
tax_period = -1
# Amount of time to pay taxes in seconds after tax cycle before there is punishment.
tax_payment_time = 86400
# Automatically set the player that created the region as the taxpayer.
start_with_tax_autopay = true
# What role tenants should be added as (for rents). It can either be "owner" or "member".
tenant_rent_role = "member"
# Should the landlords of rented out regions still be an owner while it is rented out?
landlord_still_owner = false
# Hide protection stone right away when placed?
auto_hide = false
# Whether or not to automatically merge into other regions when placed if there is only one overlapping and allow_merging is true
auto_merge = false
# Disable returning the block when removed/unclaimed?
no_drop = false
# Prevents piston pushing of the block. Recommended to keep as true.
prevent_piston_push = true
# Prevents the block from being destroyed when exploded.
# Recommended to keep true to prevent players from exploiting more protection stones with /ps unhide (when the block is destroyed)
prevent_explode = true
# Destroys the protection stone region when block is exploded. Can be useful for PVP/Factions servers.
# prevent_explode must be false for this to work.
destroy_region_when_explode = false
# Silk Touch: if true, ore-blocks that are also configured by ProtectionStones will disallow Silk Touch drops
# This was the old behaviour to prevent natural obtaining of the protection stone.
# Recommended to keep false if "Restrict Obtaining" (the new way) is true
prevent_silk_touch = false
# Set cost for when a protection block is placed (separate from /ps get cost)
cost_to_place = 0.0
# Allow protect block item to be smelt in furnaces
allow_smelt_item = false
# Allows the protection block to be used in crafting recipes
# You may want it set to false to prevent players decomposing its elements
allow_use_in_crafting = false
# Whether or not to allow breaking the protection block with a shift-right click
# Useful if the protection block is unbreakable (bedrock, command block), etc.
allow_shift_right_break = false
# Whether or not to prevent teleporting into a protected region if the player doesn't own it (except with ender pearl and chorus fruit)
# Does not prevent entry, use the flag "entry deny" for preventing entry.
# Bypass with
prevent_teleport_in = false
# Can't move for x seconds before teleporting with /ps home or /ps tp. Can be disabled with 0.
# Option to teleport only if player stands still.
# Can override with permission
no_moving_when_tp_waiting = true
tp_waiting_seconds = 0
# Whether or not to prevent obtaining this block through /ps get.
# Ignored with protectionstones.admin
prevent_ps_get = false
# Whether or not to prevent this region type from showing up in /ps home, and allowing teleport.
# Note: admins can still use /ps tp to this region type
prevent_ps_home = false
# Extra permission required to place this specific protection block (you still need protectionstones.create)
# Also applies to /ps get (you still need protectionstones.get)
# '' for no extra permission
permission = ''
# Events section
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# For each line on events, it is the format 'type: action'
# The following are accepted types:
# player_command - Execute command by player that caused event (won't execute if not applicable)
# console_command - Execute command by console
# message - Send message to player or console if applicable (colour support with &)
# global_message - Send message to all players and console (colour support with &)
# console_message - Send message to console (colour support with &)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Whether or not to enable event tracking (API events will still be enabled)
enable = false
# Execute commands when a region is created (ex. player place protection block)
# Variables: %player%, %world%, %region%, %block_x%, %block_y%, %block_z%
on_region_create = [
'global_message: &l%player% created the region %region%!',
# Execute commands when a region is destroyed (ex. when player destroy protection block)
# Variables: %player%, %world%, %region%, %block_x%, %block_y%, %block_z%
on_region_destroy = [
'console_command: say %player% has destroyed region %region%!',
Default messages.yml
cooldown: '§6Warning: §7Please wait for %time% seconds before placing again!'
no_such_command: §cNo such command. please type /ps help for more info
no_access: §cYou are not allowed to do that here.
no_room_in_inventory: §cYou don't have enough room in your inventory.
no_room_dropping_on_floor: §cYou don't have enough room in your inventory. Dropping
item on floor.
invalid_block: §cInvalid protection block.
not_enough_money: §cYou don't have enough money! The price is %price%.
paid_money: §bYou've paid $%price%.
invalid_world: §cInvalid world.
must_be_player: §cYou must be a player to execute this command.
go_back_page: Go back a page.
go_next_page: Go to next page.
help: |-
§8§m=====§r PS Help §8§m=====
§b> §7/ps help
help_next: §7Do /ps help %page% to go to the next page!
command_requires_player_name: §cThis command requires a player name.
no_permission_toggle: §cYou don't have permission to use the toggle command.
no_permission_create: §cYou don't have permission to place a protection block.
no_permission_create_specific: §cYou don't have permission to place this protection
block type.
no_permission_destroy: §cYou don't have permission to destroy a protection block.
no_permission_members: '&cYou don''t have permission to use member commands.'
no_permission_owners: '&cYou don''t have permission to use owner commands.'
no_permission_admin: §cYou do not have permission to use that command.
no_permission_count: §cYou do not have permission to use that command.
no_permission_count_others: §cYou do not have permission to use that command.
no_permission_flags: '&cYou do not have permission to use flag commands.'
no_permission_per_flag: §cYou do not have permission to use that flag.
no_permission_rent: §cYou do not have permission for renting.
no_permission_tax: §cYou do not have permission to use the tax command.
no_permission_buysell: §cYou do not have permission to buy and sell regions.
no_permission_unhide: §cYou do not have permission to unhide protection blocks.
no_permission_hide: §cYou do not have permission to hide protection blocks.
no_permission_info: §cYou do not have permission to use the region info command.
no_permission_priority: §cYou do not have permission to use the priority command.
no_permission_region: §cYou do not have permission to use region commands.
no_permission_tp: §cYou do not have permission to teleport to other players' protection
no_permission_home: §cYou do not have permission to teleport to your protection blocks.
no_permission_unclaim: §cYou do not have permission to use the unclaim command.
no_permission_unclaim_remote: §cYou do not have permission to use the unclaim remote
no_permission_view: §cYou do not have permission to use the view command.
no_permission_give: §cYou do not have permission to use the give command.
no_permission_get: §cYou do not have permission to use the get command.
no_permission_sethome: §cYou do not have permission to use the sethome command.
no_permission_list: §cYou do not have permission to use the list command.
no_permission_list_others: §cYou do not have permission to use the list command for
no_permission_name: §cYou do not have permission to use the name command.
no_permission_setparent: §cYou do not have permission to use the setparent command.
no_permission_setparent_others: §cYou do not have permission to inherit from regions
you don't own.
no_permission_merge: §cYou do not have permission to use /ps merge.
added_to_region: §b%player%§7 has been added to this region.
added_to_region_specific: §b%player%§7 has been added to region %region%.
removed_from_region: §b%player%§7 has been removed from region.
removed_from_region_specific: §b%player%§7 has been removed from region %region%.
not_in_region: §cYou are not in a protection stones region!
player_not_found: §cPlayer not found.
not_ps_region: §cNot a protection stones region.
region_does_not_exist: §cRegion does not exist.
no_regions_owned: §cYou don't own any protected regions in this world!
no_region_permission: §cYou do not have permission to do this in this region.
protected: §bThis area is now protected.
no_longer_protected: §eThis area is no longer protected.
cant_protect_that: §cYou can't protect that area.
reached_region_limit: §cYou can not have any more protected regions (%limit%).
reached_per_block_region_limit: §cYou can not have any more regions of this type
world_denied_create: §cYou can not create protections in this world.
region_overlap: §cYou can not place a protection block here as it overlaps another
region_too_close: §cYour protection block must be a minimum of %num% blocks from
the edge of other regions!
cant_teleport: §cYour teleportation was blocked by a protection region!
specify_id_instead_of_alias: |-
§7There were multiple regions found with this name! Please use an ID instead.
Regions with this name: §b%regions%
region_not_adjacent: §cYou've passed the limit of non-adjacent regions! Try putting
your protection block closer to other regions you already own.
not_overlapping: §cThese regions don't overlap each other!
multi_region_does_not_exist: One of these regions don't exist!
no_region_holes: §cUnprotected area detected inside region! This is not allowed!
delete_region_prevented: §7The region could not be removed, possibly because it
creates a hole in the existing region.
not_owner: §cYou are not an owner of this region!
cannot_merge_rented_region: §cCannot merge regions because region %region% is in
the process of being rented out!
no_permission_region_type: §cYou do not have permission to have this region type.
hidden: §7The protection block is now hidden.
must_be_placed_in_existing_region: §cThis must be placed inside of an existing region!
already_in_location_is_hidden: §cA region already exists in this location (is the
protection block hidden?)
cannot_remove_yourself_last_owner: §cYou cannot remove yourself as you are the last
cannot_remove_yourself_all_regions: §cYou cannot remove yourself from all of your
regions at once, for safety reasons.
help: §b> §7/ps toggle|on|off
help_desc: Use this command to turn on or off placement of protection blocks.
toggle_on: §bProtection block placement turned on.
toggle_off: §bProtection block placement turned off.
count_help: §b> §7/ps count [player (optional)]
count_help_desc: Count the number of regions you own or another player.
personal_region_count: '§7Your region count in this world: §b%num%'
personal_region_count_merged: '§7- Including each merged region: §b%num%'
other_region_count: '§7%player%''s region count in this world: §b%num%'
other_region_count_merged: '§7- Including each merged region: §b%num%'
help: §b> §7/ps flag [flagname] [value|null|default]
help_desc: Use this command to set a flag in your protected region.
flag_set: §b%flag%§7 flag has been set.
flag_not_set: §b%flag%§7 flag has §cnot§7 been set. Check your values again.
flag_prevent_exploit: §cThis has been disabled to prevent exploits.
flag_prevent_exploit_hover: §cDisabled for security reasons.
gui_header: §8§m=====§r Flags (click to change) §8§m=====
gui_hover_set: §bClick to set.
gui_hover_set_text: |-
§bClick to change.§f
Current value:
hover_change_group: Click to set this flag to apply to only %group%.
hover_change_group_null: §cYou must set this flag to a value before changing the
help: §b> §7/ps rent
help_desc: Use this command to manage rents (buying and selling).
help_header: §8§m=====§r Rent Help §8§m=====
already_renting: §cThe region is already being rented out! You must stop leasing
the region first.
not_rented: §cThis region is not being rented.
lease_success: |-
§bRegion leasing terms set:
§bPrice: §7%price%
§bPayment Term: §7%period%
stopped: §bLeasing stopped.
evicted: §7Evicted tenant %tenant%.
not_renting: §cThis region is not being rented out to tenants.
paid_landlord: §b%tenant%§7 has paid §b$%price%§7 for renting out §b%region%§7.
paid_tenant: §7Paid §b$%price%§7 to §b%landlord%§7 for region §b%region%§7.
renting_landlord: §b%player%§7 is now renting out region §b%region%§7.
renting_tenant: §7You are now renting out region §b%region%§7 for §b%price%§7 per
not_tenant: §cYou are not the tenant of this region!
tenant_stopped_landlord: §b%player%§7 has stopped renting out region §b%region%§7.
It is now available for others to rent.
tenant_stopped_tenant: §bYou have stopped renting out region %region%.
being_sold: §cThe region is being sold! Do /ps sell stop first.
evict_no_money_tenant: §7You have been §cevicted§7 from region §b%region%§7 because
you do not have enough money (%price%) to pay for rent.
evict_no_money_landlord: §b%tenant%§7 has been §cevicted§7 from region §b%region%§7
because they are unable to afford rent.
cannot_rent_own_region: §cYou cannot rent your own region!
reached_limit: §cYou've reached the limit of regions you are allowed to rent!
price_too_low: §cThe rent price is too low (must be larger than %price%).
price_too_high: §cThe rent price is too high (must be lower than %price%).
period_too_short: §cThe rent period is too short (must be longer than %period% seconds).
period_too_long: §cThe rent period is too long (must be shorter than %period% seconds).
period_invalid: '§cInvalid period format! Example: 24h for once a day.'
cannot_break_while_renting: §cYou cannot break the region when it is being rented
help: §b> §7/ps tax
help_desc: Use this command to manage and pay taxes.
help_header: §8§m=====§r Taxes Help §8§m=====
disabled_region: §cTaxes are disabled for this region.
set_as_autopayer: §7Taxes for region §b%region%§7 will now be automatically paid
by you.
set_no_autopayer: §7Taxes for region §b%region%§7 now have to be manually paid for.
paid: §7Paid §b$%amount%§7 in taxes for region §b%region%§7.
info_header: §8§m=====§r Tax Info (click for more info) §8§m=====
join_msg_pending_payments: |-
§7You have §b$%money%§7 in tax payments due on your regions!
View them with /ps tax info.
player_region_info: §7> §b%region%§7 - §3$%money% due
player_region_info_autopayer: §7> §b%region%§7 - §3$%money% due§7 (you autopay)
click_to_show_more_info: Click to show more information.
region_info_header: §8§m=====§r %region% Tax Info §8§m=====
region_info: |-
§9Tax Rate: §7$%taxrate% (sum of all merged regions)
§9Time between tax cycles: §7%taxperiod%
§9Time to pay taxes after cycle: §7%taxpaymentperiod%
§9Tax Autopayer: §7%taxautopayer%
§9Taxes Owed: §7$%taxowed%
next_page: §7Do /ps tax info -p %page% to go to the next page!
help: §b> §7/ps buy
help_desc: Buy the region you are currently in.
not_for_sale: §cThis region is not for sale.
stop_sell: §7The region is now not for sale.
sold_buyer: §7Bought region §b%region%§7 for §b$%price%§7 from §b%player%§7.
sold_seller: §7Sold region §b%region%§7 for §b$%price%§7 to §b%player%§7.
help: §b> §7/ps sell [price|stop]
help_desc: Sell the region you are currently in.
rented_out: §cThe region is being rented out! You must stop renting it out to sell.
for_sale: §7The region is now for sale for §b$%price%§7.
hide_help: §b> §7/ps hide
hide_help_desc: Use this command to hide or unhide your protection block.
unhide_help: §b> §7/ps unhide
unhide_help_desc: Use this command to hide or unhide your protection block.
already_not_hidden: §7The protection stone doesn't appear hidden...
already_hidden: §7The protection stone appears to already be hidden...
help: §b> §7/ps info members|owners|flags
help_desc: Use this command inside a ps region to see more information about it.
header: §8§m=====§r PS Info §8§m=====
type2: '&9Type: &7%type%'
may_be_merged: (may be merged with other types)
merged2: '§9Merged regions: §7%merged%'
members2: '&9Members: &7%members%'
no_members: §c(no members)
owners2: '&9Owners: &7%owners%'
no_owners: §c(no owners)
flags2: '&9Flags: &7%flags%'
no_flags: (none)
region2: '&9Region: &b%region%'
priority2: '&9Priority: &b%priority%'
parent2: '&9Parent: &b%parentregion%'
bounds_xyz: '&9Bounds: &b(%minx%,%miny%,%minz%) -> (%maxx%,%maxy%,%maxz%)'
bounds_xz: '&9Bounds: &b(%minx%, %minz%) -> (%maxx%, %maxz%)'
seller2: '&9Seller: &7%seller%'
price2: '&9Price: &7%price%'
tenant2: '&9Tenant: &7%tenant%'
landlord2: '&9Landlord: &7%landlord%'
rent2: '&9Rent: &7%rent%'
available_for_sale: §bRegion available for sale!
available_for_rent: §bRegion available for rent!
help: §b> §7/ps priority [number|null]
help_desc: Use this command to set your region's priority.
info: '§7Priority: %priority%'
set: §ePriority has been set.
error: §cError parsing input, check it again?
help: §b> §7/ps region [list|remove|disown] [playername]
help_desc: Use this command to find information or edit other players' (or your
own) protected regions.
not_found_for_player: §7No regions found for %player% in this world.
list: '§7%player%''s regions in this world: §b%regions%'
remove: §e%player%'s regions have been removed in this world, and removed from regions
%player% partially owned.
error_search: §cError while searching for %player%'s regions. Please make sure you
have entered the correct name.
help: §b> §7/ps tp [id/player] [num (optional)]
help_desc: Teleports you to one of a given player's regions.
number_above_zero: §cPlease enter a number above 0.
valid_number: §cPlease enter a valid number.
only_has_regions: §c%player% only has %num% protected regions in this world!
tping: §aTeleporting...
error_name: §cError in teleporting to protected region! (parsing WG region name
error_tp: §cError in finding the region to teleport to!
in_seconds: §7Teleporting in §b%seconds%§7 seconds.
cancelled_moved: §cTeleport cancelled. You moved!
help: §b> §7/ps home [name/id]
help_desc: Teleports you to one of your protected regions.
header: §8§m=====§r Homes (click to teleport) §8§m=====
click_to_tp: Click to teleport!
next_page: §7Do /ps home -p %page% to go to the next page!
help: §b> §7/ps unclaim
help_desc: Use this command to pickup a placed protection stone and remove the region.
header: §8§m=====§r Unclaim (click to unclaim) §8§m=====
help: §b> §7/ps view
help_desc: Use this command to view the borders of a protected region.
cooldown: §cPlease wait a while before using /ps view again.
generating: §7Generating border...
generate_done: §aDone! The border will disappear after 30 seconds!
removing: |-
§bRemoving border...
§aIf you still see ghost blocks, relog!
help: §b> §7/ps admin
help_desc: Do /ps admin help for more information.
cleanup_header: |-
§eCleanup %arg% %days% days
cleanup_footer: |-
Completed %arg% cleanup.
hide_toggled: §eAll protection stones have been %message% in this world.
last_logon: §e%player% last played %days% days ago.
is_banned: §e%player% is banned.
error_parsing: §cError parsing days, are you sure it is a number?
console_world: §cPlease specify the world as the last parameter.
lastlogons_header: |-
§e%days% Days Plus:
lastlogons_line: §e%player% %time% days
lastlogons_footer: |-
%count% Total Players Shown
%checked% Total Players Checked
help: §b> §7/ps reload
help_desc: Reload settings from the config.
start: §bReloading config...
complete: §bCompleted config reload!
help: §b> §7/ps add|remove [playername]
help_desc: Use this command to add or remove a member of your protected region.
owner_help: §b> §7/ps addowner|removeowner [playername]
owner_help_desc: Use this command to add or remove an owner of your protected region.
player_reached_limit: §cThis player has reached their region limit.
player_needs_to_be_online: §cThe player needs to be online to add them.
help: §b> §7/ps get [block]
help_desc: Use this command to get or purchase a protection block.
gotten: §bAdded protection block to inventory!
no_permission_block: §cYou don't have permission to get this block.
header: §8§m=====§r Protect Blocks (click to get) §8§m=====
gui_block: §7> §b%alias% §7- %description% (§f$%price%§7)
gui_hover: Click to buy a %alias%!
help: §b> §7/ps give [block] [player] [amount (optional)]
help_desc: Use this command to give a player a protection block.
given: §7Gave §b%block%§7 to §b%player%§7.
no_inventory_room: §cThe player does not have enough inventory room.
help: §b> §7/ps sethome
help_desc: Use this command to set the home of a region to where you are right now.
set: §7The home for §b%psid%§7 has been set to your location.
help: §b> §7/ps list [player (optional)]
help_desc: Use this command to list the regions you, or another player owns.
header: §8§m=====§r %player%'s Regions §8§m=====
owner: '§7Owner of:'
member: '§7Member of:'
no_regions: §7You currently do not own and are not a member of any regions.
no_regions_player: §b%player% §7does not own and is not a member of any regions.
help: §b> §7/ps name [name|none]
help_desc: Use this command to give a nickname to your region, to make identifying
your region easier.
removed: §7Removed the name for %id%.
set_name: §7Set the name of %id% to §b%name%§7.
taken: §7The region name §b%name%§7 has already been taken! Try another one.
help: §b> §7/ps setparent [region|none]
help_desc: Use this command to allow this region to inherit properties from another
region (owners, members, flags, etc.).
success: §7Successfully set the parent of §b%id%§7 to §b%parent%§7.
success_remove: §7Successfully removed the parent of §b%id%§7.
circular_inheritance: §cDetected circular inheritance (the parent already inherits
from this region?). Parent not set.
help: §b> §7/ps merge
help_desc: Use this command to merge the region you are in with other overlapping
disabled: Merging regions is disabled in the config!
merged: §bRegions were successfully merged!
header: §8§m=====§r Merge %region% (click to merge) §8§m=====
warning: '§7Note: This will delete all of the settings for the current region!'
not_allowed: §cYou are not allowed to merge this protection region type.
into: §bThis region overlaps other regions you can merge into!
no_region: §7There are no overlapping regions to merge into.
click_to_merge: Click to merge with %region%!
auto_merged: §7Region automatically merged with §b%region%§7.
Last updated
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